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IWLA Participation in Environmental Fund for Florida

The Environmental Fund for Florida

The Environmental Fund for Florida ("EFF"), soon to be known as "Earth Share Florida," is a fund-raising organization which solicits contributions via employee payroll deductions, similar to other well-known employee-giving campaign organizations. The key difference between EFF and other more common charities is that the organizations which benefit from contributions to EFF are all Florida conservation organizations. This is an easy and relatively painless way for everyone in Florida to help protect Florida's natural resources.

Each organization receiving contributions from EFF is a non-profit corporation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. EFF participates in the Combined Federal Campaign at numerous federal offices in Florida, and in the Florida State Employees' giving campaign at various universities, water management districts and other state offices around the state, as well as at many private employers.

The Florida Division of the Izaak Walton League of America is one of the many Florida conservation groups which are members of EFF.

Employees making donations to EFF can "designate" their contribution to one or more specific members of EFF, or make a general "undesignated" contribution to EFF, in which case the contribution will be divided among the member organizations.

If EFF is not participating in the employee-giving campaign at your Florida employer's place of business, but you would like for it to, please contact The Environmental Fund for Florida. EFF will request permission from your employer to participate in a campaign at your place of employment.

If your place of employment is in another state and you would like to help protect the environment in your state, call EFF anyway. There are environmental funds in many states and we can have the appropriate fund contact you.

The following organizations are members of EFF: